How it works Video Transcript

e-508 How it Works Video Transcript

  1. Home Page: Welcome to e-508. Your document accessibility solution.
  2. Sign in Page: Register with us and indicate whether you are a government and/or tax exempt organization and select your preferences for instant messaging and billing.
  3. Upload Page: Upload your document or zip files.
  4. Document standards: Choose your document standards, turn-around times , applicable discount or BPA codes
  5. Small Business Marketplace Page: Get an instant price or choose from our small business marketplace socioeconomic categories.
  6. Dashboard Page: Your choices will be displayed in a dashboard.
  7. Shopping cart Page: Select your documents to move into the cart.
  8. Payment Page: Once you have made a selection pay 50% upfront.
  9. Dashboard with Review Status Page: You'll receive email and text alert messages as your document progress all the way until your document is ready for download
  10. Download Page: Download and the remaining payment is automatically calculated